

遵守免疫接种要求确保学生能够按照规定和公共卫生和安全标准开始新学年. Please review the following requirements carefully. 更新和提醒与以下内容有关:

  1. 学校 Immunization Requirements for the 2023-24 学校 Year
  2. 学校 Access to ImmuNet, 马里兰州免疫信息系统
  3. 消费者可通过马里兰州MyIR获得ImmuNet
  4. Temporary Admission to 学校 and 学校 Exclusion for Immunization Non Compliance
  5. 特殊人群
  6. 五岁儿童的第二次MMR

COVID-19 Vaccinations (Information Updated Frequently)

August/September Back to 学校 Vaccination clinics

1. 学校 Immunization Requirements for the 2022-23 学校 Year

At this time all school requirements as listed in COMAR 10.06.04 will be in effect at the start of the 2023-2024 school year. 开学后20天内未接种疫苗的学生必须出示疫苗接种证明, 滴度阳性结果, 或者接种疫苗的证明. In order to reduce the number of students that may be out of compliance at the start of the 2023-24 school year, 学校卫生官员现在应该开始完成对学校免疫记录的评估,并通知家长可能不遵守规定的儿童. 这将使父母有最大的时间让他们的孩子了解最新情况,并符合学校的要求.

我们要求您协助实施活动,以确保您辖区内的学生遵守学校的要求. 建议的活动包括:

  • Repeatedly informing parents of the requirements through a variety of mechanisms (e.g. 学校的电子邮件, 社交媒体发帖, 新闻稿, 媒体广告)在2023-2024学年开始之前,鼓励他们确保他们的孩子是最新的;
  • 学校系统与当地卫生部门合作,在学校设立疫苗接种诊所;
  • Partnering with school-based health centers to provide needed vaccinations to enrollees; and
  • Implementing local media campaigns highlighting the school requirements

2. 学校获得免疫接种

In order to assist school health personnel to assess student vaccination records, school health personnel are permitted to have read-only access to ImmuNet, 马里兰州免疫信息系统. ImmuNet is an online, secure database that captures vaccination records for Maryland residents. 有免疫免疫系统, 学校卫生人员将能够查看学生的免疫记录,并确定学生是否接种了所有必需的疫苗. If your staff needs access to ImmuNet, please complete an enrollment form at http://bit.ly/ImmuNetAcct 建立一个帐户. If you have many accounts to set up, please email the ImmuNet team at mdh.mdimmunet@maryland.政府寻求协助.

3. 消费者访问马里兰州MyIR

马里兰州居民可以在ImmuNet上访问他们自己的免疫记录,并打印马里兰896表格,而不必去他们的医疗保健提供者或当地卫生部门. Maryland MyIR (My Immunization Record) is a free website service (http://myirmobile.com) that allows consumers to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet. This information can then be presented to schools at the parent or guardian's discretion.

4. Temporary Admission to 学校 and 学校 Exclusion for Immunization Non Compliance

根据COMAR, a student who does not meet the immunization requirements may be temporarily admitted to or retained in school if the parent or guardian provides evidence of the student's appointment with a health care provider or local health department to: 1) receive the required immunization; 2) reconstruct a lost record; or 3) acquire evidence of age appropriate immunity on the MD 896 form. 实际预约应不迟于学生临时录取/留校之日起20个日历日.

不符合免疫规定的学生,无预约证明,不得入学或留校. The parent must present evidence of an appointment on DAY ONE of admittance/retention.

Evidence of an appointment may include the following:

  • 从学生被临时录取或保留之日起不迟于20个日历日,由卫生保健提供者办公室提供的预约单或预约说明;
  • A verbal statement or written statement signed by the parent/guardian that contains the appointment date, no later than 20 calendar days from the date the student is temporarily admitted or retained, with a health care provider; or
  • 父母/监护人的口头或书面声明,表明父母/监护人打算在未来20个日历天内前往当地卫生部门的免疫诊所.

如果学生正在补课,并且需要接种两剂或两剂以上的特定疫苗以满足免疫要求, the temporary admittance/retention process should again be applied once the previous dose is administered. The student would then need to provide evidence of the appointment to receive the next dose in the series, 哪一项规定需要在20天内接种:由于大多数疫苗系列需要在两次接种之间间隔20天以上, 为了让学生暂时留在学校,可以提供一份由医生签署的临时医疗禁忌症声明. 临时医疗禁忌症声明结束的日期应与下次给药的时间相对应.g., 当预约下一次剂量时),是20天临时入院或留置重新申请的日期. If neither an appointment date nor a medical contraindication is provided after the first dose in the series, 这个学生必须被排除在外.

例如, if a student does not have any documented doses of hepatitis B vaccine, they are required to have three doses in order to meet the school requirement. 在开学的第一天, the student presents evidence of an appointment for receiving the first dose within the 20 calendar days, allowing that student to be temporarily admitted/retained. Once the first dose is received and proof of the vaccination is provided to the school, 然后,学生必须在未来20天内提供下一次预约的证据,或提供由医生签署的临时医疗禁忌症的文件,以便留在学校. Since there must be 4 weeks between dose 1 and dose 2 of the hepatitis B series, it is more likely that the student would need to provide a signed temporary medical contraindication. If neither is provided, then 这个学生必须被排除在外. The same process would apply for the temporary admittance/retention between dose 2 and dose 3.

If the scheduled appointment is not completed but is rescheduled within the same 20-day period, the student may continue to be retained and not excluded. 例如, if a student has an appointment on day 5 and misses but reschedules to day 10, they may be retained and should not be excluded on day 6. But if a student misses an appointment on day 5 and cannot be rescheduled until day 25, 他们需要提供临时医疗禁忌症的文件或在第20天被排除在外(直到他们在第25天接种疫苗)。.

5. 特殊人群

    • 无家可归的学生:

      • 学生 who are identified as homeless according to COMAR

13A.05.09.05 may not be denied enrollment due to failure to comply with immunization requirements. COMAR states: "The school shall immediately enroll the homeless child or youth, even if the child or youth is unable to produce records normally required for enrollment, 比如以前的学习成绩, 医疗记录, 居住证明或其他文件. If the child or youth needs to obtain immunizations, 或者免疫接种或者医疗记录, immediately refer the parent or guardian of the child or youth to the local school system coordinator, who shall assist in obtaining necessary immunizations, 或者医疗记录. 学校在努力帮助家长获得必要的免疫接种或事先免疫接种记录之前,不得禁止无家可归的学生入学."

  • 军事的孩子:

    • 马里兰州是制定了《威尼斯官网在线》指导方针的成员国之一. This compact sets rules that guide school systems in the issues that affect military children. 学生 covered under the Compact include: children of active duty members of the uniformed services, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders; members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired for one year; members who died on active duty, for a period of one year beyond the death; uniformed members of the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 以及美国公共卫生服务. 《威尼斯官网在线》协议就免疫接种规定如下:“缔约各国应自登记之日起三十(30)个日历日. 为了一系列的免疫接种, initial vaccinations must be obtained within thirty (30) calendar days."

6. 五岁儿童的第二次MMR

根据COMAR, 60-71个月的学龄前学生必须接种两剂MMR疫苗,以满足学校的要求. For students that turn five years of age (60 months) during the school year, 第二剂MMR疫苗必须在他们满5岁后的20个日历天内接种,否则学生必须被排除在外. 如果学生能够在5岁生日后的20个日历天内提供接受第二剂接种的预约文件, that student may be temporarily admitted or retained. Without the documentation of the appointment, 这个学生必须被排除在外.