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Financial Aid Frequently Asked Questions


What is Financial Aid?

经济援助是帮助学生支付高等教育费用的任何资金, such as tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. 它弥补了大学学费和家庭负担能力之间的差额. 财政援助有四个主要来源:联邦政府, state governments, postsecondary institutions, and private organizations. 


What Kinds of Financial Aid are Available?

There are three main types of financial aid:

Grants and scholarships are monetary gifts that do not have to be repaid. The U.S. 教育部为就读四年制或两年制学院或大学的学生提供各种联邦助学金, community colleges, and career schools. They include the Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), the 学院及高等教育教师教育资助补助金(TEACH), and the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.

The Maryland Higher Education Commission 还为马里兰州的居民提供各种助学金和奖学金项目,供他们在马里兰州的州立学校使用. 机构补助金和奖学金直接由学院或大学颁发,可以基于经济需要, academic merit, or both.

Scholarship money can come from a variety of other sources, including community groups, schools, nonprofits, religious groups, employers, individuals, and professional and social organizations. 每个奖学金都有自己的一套资格程序、规则和截止日期.

Loans 必须在学生毕业或停止上学后偿还,通常还有利息吗. 联邦学生贷款是固定利率贷款,包括银行提供的私人贷款通常不提供的福利, credit unions, and state-based organizations. 学生可能有资格根据他们的经济需要获得联邦补贴和无补贴贷款. For more information, see the Federal Student Loans: Basics for Students Guide.

Work-study 该计划使学生在上学期间通过兼职工作赚钱. 联邦勤工俭学计划强调公民教育中的就业和与学生专业相关的工作.

经济援助可以进一步分为两类: need-based aid, which is based on a student's financial need, and merit aid,这是基于学生的学术、课外、运动、音乐或艺术才能.


Who Should Apply for Financial Aid?

All students should apply for financial aid. 各种类型的学生都可以获得各种各样的经济援助. 许多学生错误地认为,根据他们的家庭收入和资产,他们可能没有资格获得资助. When students choose not to apply for financial aid, 他们可能先发制人地限制了帮助支付大学学费的潜在机会. By filing the FAFSA, 学生可以获得联邦学生贷款和其他资源,以帮助支付未来需要的费用.


How Can Students Get an Early Estimate of Financial Aid?

学生可以通过FAFSA4caster和净价计算器这两个工具对自己是否有资格获得学生经济援助进行初步评估. The FAFSA4caster 是联邦学生援助办公室的一个计划工具,用来帮助学生评估他们的资格 federal 经济援助,如佩尔助学金、勤工俭学和直接贷款. 这个工具可以帮助学生了解他们可能会获得多少经济援助以及他们可以获得的经济选择. The net price calculator is another financial planning tool. 该计算器计算出学生在减去估计的助学金和奖学金后,在选定的大学就读一年所需支付的费用 college is likely to award the student. 联邦政府现在要求大多数学院和大学在他们的网站上有一个净价格计算器.

学生们可能还会发现,看看美国大学的净价格统计数据也很有帮助.S. Department of Education’s CollegeNavigator. 大学导航员提供有关大学费用的信息, financial aid and net price for all colleges. 它使用相同的方法来计算每所大学的净学费,从而得出可比较的数据. 它还显示了该学院的平均净学费在三年内的变化情况,并提供了五个典型家庭收入区间的平均净学费.


How Do Students Apply For Financial Aid?

申请经济援助的第一步是完成申请表格 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA website is also available in Spanish. The federal government, the Maryland state government, 大多数大学使用FAFSA来确定学生是否有资格获得经济援助. Many private scholarship programs also require the FAFSA.

Each year, the FAFSA becomes available on October 1. 学生必须每学年提交FAFSA以获得资格. For students planning to attend college in the fall semester, 提交FAFSA的截止日期是6月30日申请联邦财政援助,3月1日申请马里兰州财政援助计划. 许多大学都有自己的申请截止日期,许多助学金和奖学金也有单独的申请和截止日期. 鼓励学生尽早提交FAFSA,以便满足使用该表格确定资格的其他经济援助来源的较早截止日期. Additionally, 大多数大学要求你完成补充经济援助申请, such as the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE for non-federal financial aid eligibility. 学生应向各院校查询具体要求. 在所有情况下,最好尽早申请,以便最大限度地获得资助. For more information on how aid is calculated, visit Federal Student Aid.

There are several ways to file the FAFSA form. 完成申请的最简单和最快的方法是访问 and submit it online. The form can also be completed on the new myStudentAid mobile app for IOS and Android. 另外,还可以用英文或西班牙文邮寄申请. Students can download the FAFSA in PDF format 或纸质副本可致电800-433-3243或334-523-2691 (TTY: 800-730-8913)索取。. The processing time is longer for mailed applications.


What Happens After the FAFSA is Submitted?

FAFSA信息由联邦学生援助办公室处理,并与表格上列出的大学或职业学校共享, 以及学校所在的州教育机构. 每所学校的经济援助部门使用这些信息来计算学生有资格获得的经济援助的金额和类型.

To learn more, 听听联邦学生援助办公室发布的“在FAFSA之后:接下来会发生什么”视频